Portfolio Reviewer

Michael Nadler Imaging
Michael Nadler is a graduate of California State University Fullerton with a degree in Communication/ Photojournalism. After several years of photojournalism, Michael entered the more lucrative area of Photographic Retail Management, where he served as everything from Sales to Buyer, Advertising Exec, to Digital Specialty innovator. After 15 years, he was asked by Canon to take up the new challenge of digital imaging. Embracing the challenge, he put forth his full efforts. Beginning with the Canon DCS-1, Michael has since become an advisor to companies such as Apple, Adobe, Microsoft, Getty, Corbus, Warner Bros., ABC/Disney, Paramount, CBS, NBC, NANPA, PPA, PPC, WPPI, Upperdeck, AAED, ADA, CDA, News Services, and many others, bringing them into the Digital Age. His knowledge of digital imaging and processes has set him apart in the photographic community. Michael hopes to inspire future generations of photographers and is currently teaching for several Organizations, including Samy's Camera and Professional Photographers of California chapters.