Professional Photographer

Digital Artist
Lee Kohse was born to a family of rutabaga testers in California and as a child learned to draw in the dirt while mining dust for spaghetti western films. While serving in the Marine Corps, he started doing art for underground comics and indie rock magazines. During this time he discovered a copy of Photoshop while on an archeological dig in a broom closet and learned its secrets. After surviving the Y2kBug and a nasty case of Nerd Flu, Lee became a freelance artist working for such clients Verizon, MSN, Lucasfilm, Dreamworks, Topps, Marvel, 20th Century Fox, and Allegory.
He frequently exposes his geek publicly by contributing art to such projects as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Lord of the Rings, Aliens Vs Predator, and Mars Attacks, as well as serving as Creative Director of Speed Racer. Currently Lee is working as a writer, concept artist, and character designer for several animated projects and comics. He maintains his nerd street cred by continuing work as a freelancer, workings on his webcomic, Kindergoth (, and contributes as an author for producing tutorial DVDs teaching the integration of traditional painting techniques into digital mediums without risking electrocution. You can find Lee's art online at and his sarcasm prominently displayed at