Professional Photographers

Graphic Designer
Graphic Authority
Jaron Horrocks, not Jason or Jared. (Think Aaron with a J) Jaron is an enthusiast of art, especially photography and design. He studied multimedia design and subsequently worked as graphic artist for a media group creating ads for publications and direct mail. It was in this production-line type environment that he learned how to design quickly, without sacrificing quality.
Following that, he began working for Graphic Authority, instructing at photography events throughout the country, including 2 national tours. This position allowed him the opportunity to share his unique skill set, and also learn from many of the most successful photographers in the industry. He currently owns an established studio in downtown Salt Lake City and continues to instruct, incorporating his personal ownership experiences into his teaching.
A few more fun facts: He's a geek at heart. He may have some slight organizational tendencies- like being uber-efficient in Photoshop. His infatuation with Lightroom may be bordering on strange. One of his favorite things to do is teach. When it comes to photography- he believes you should get it right in camera. When it comes to design- "simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication". He can be bribed with good food, travel and a beach. One of his major goals in life is to give back.
Graphic Authority - Profitable Design for Your Business with Jaron Horrocks